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Author: Sasha MacDonald
The Magic of Childhood
I grew up around witches. In fact, I grew up around witches, wizards, ghosts, werewolves, vampires, demons, shapeshifters, hauntings, possessions and poltergeists. Not to mention serial killers, human sacrifices, zombies, witch hunters, aliens and the devil himself. I saw priests perform exorcisms, women have their life blood drained from them by vampires and those vampires…
Are We Asking Too Much Of Our Inner Apes?
We are mammals- great apes if we’re going to be precise – who live in the same natural world as our fellow mammals and animals. We’ve built giant concrete ‘trees’ to live in and we pick our fruit from inside even bigger communal concrete ‘trees’. Regardless of our stone homes and motor-driven ‘vines’ that we…
A Salty Spirit of Place
I have been thinking about Spirit of Place recently (the elemental energy or energies that reside in an area). Where I live is very elemental and wild in places and yet I haven’t been able to connect to the area properly in the 14 years we’ve lived here. I felt it was time to stop…
A Little Bit About Flower Remedies
Well hello again! It’s been quite a year for the entire world between March 2020 and March 2021. Health and healing have understandably topped many peoples list of priorities, including mine. Rising to the top of this list was also the importance of mental wellbeing. The stress of a pandemic and lockdowns have taken their…
Dem Bones, Dem Bones, Dem Wise Bones
I failed my Theatre Studies A Level in dramatic style back in 1991. It was the part of the exam where each student had to perform a soliloquy in front of the course tutor, the examining board and the other students. During that year, I had fallen in love with ‘Volpone’, one of the plays…
My Week So Far
Hello Peeps, Today marks the first day of “Roadmap out of Lockdown” for us here in England (Scotland, Wales and Ireland have different rules). England’s educational places are open again from today which will be a big change for a lot of people. I think if my son were still school age, I would have…
The Need for Comedy
‘Ello me old chinas, Well it’s a rum old time at the moment in the UK, I must say. What with Brexit, Covid and the freezing temps it’s ruddy taters out there. Cor blimey, at least some of are getting a bit of rest while the country’s gone ding dong. I think lockdown is getting…
Self-Care during Covid
As I write, we are currently in our third lockdown to protect us and our healthcare systems from Covid-19. I managed reasonably well during the previous two because the NHS was coping pretty well (considering!) and things seemed reasonably under control(ish?). This time round, I’m finding things pretty stressful. I’m having more ‘what if’ thoughts…
Tier 4 Times
It’s January. Looking out of my office window, I see sullen grey skies and sodden ground. It’s very, very cold and I keep huddling closer to the little radiator next to me. I know I should go and put a jumper on, but I don’t want to move. I could go and make a Nice…
The Rise of The Sensitives
In recent years, those with heightened sensitivity to all that the world has to offer have experienced something of a renaissance. It’s been a slow, tentative shift but the Highly Sensitive People are beginning to see the recognition they so richly deserve. Slowly, parts of the world are noticing the benefits of living with those…